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Set Category for TikTok Shop Items

You have to set categories and attributes (specifics) for your Magento products when adding them to M2E TikTok Shop (TTS) Listing. Products without the category and related attributes can’t be listed on TikTok Shop.

By providing this information, you can ensure your products are accurately categorized and described. This also helps enhance product visibility and appeal on TikTok Shop.

Assign categories

Once you’ve selected products to be added to your M2E TTS Listing, you will need to assign them to the appropriate category. For that, choose the preferred category settings first.

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All Products same Category

The same category settings will be applied to all products in M2E TTS Listing. Click the Edit button to start assigning the TikTok Shop category to your products.

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You can choose from the previously saved categories or browse through the category tree to find the most suitable one. Confirm your choice to proceed.

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Based on Magento Categories

Set TikTok Shop categories according to the Magento Categories assigned to your products.

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Click Edit Category to assign the corresponding TikTok Shop category to your products. You can choose from the previously saved categories or browse through the category tree to find the most suitable one. Confirm your choice to proceed.

Set Manually for each Product

Set a relevant TikTok Shop category manually for each of the selected products.

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Click Edit Category to assign the corresponding TikTok Shop category to your product. You can choose from the previously saved categories or browse through the category tree to find the most suitable one. Confirm your choice to proceed.

Assign attributes

Once the category is set, you should assign product attributes (specifics) per category. Attributes define such product details as size, color, brand, style, etc., and help customers make informed purchasing decisions.

Click Edit to start assigning the attributes.

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In the Mode section, select the Custom Attribute option from the drop-down menu. Then, in the Value section, select a Magento Attribute that contains an appropriate value for your TikTok Shop products’ specifics. Once selected, save the settings.

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Edit categories and specifics

At any time, you can modify category and attribute settings for your TikTok Shop products. Navigate to your M2E TTS Listing and switch to the Settings View Mode on top of the grid. Select the needed products you want to update and submit the Edit Category Settings > Categories & Specifics action.

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If your products are listed on TikTok Shop, the extension will send the category and attribute changes to the marketplace based on the Revise Rules in your Synchronization Policy.