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Selling Policy for TikTok Shop


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  • Quantity – the number of items you want to sell on TikTok Shop. There are several options available:
  • Product Quantity – the number of items on TikTok Shop will be the same as in the Magento Inventory.
  • Custom Value – allows you to provide the Quantity value that should be displayed on TikTok Shop.
  • Magento Attribute – takes the Quantity value from the Attribute you set.

Quantity Percentage – allows you to set the percentage for calculation of item quantity to be listed on TikTok Shop based on Product Quantity or a value from Magento Attribute.

For example, if the Quantity Percentage is set to 80% and the Product Quantity is 10, the Quantity to be Listed on TikTok Shop will be 8.

Conditional Quantity (only available when the Product Quantity or Magento Attribute is chosen) – allows you to set a maximum and minimum number of items to sell on TikTok Shop.

  • Minimum Quantity to Be Listed e.g., if you have 2 units in stock but set a Min Quantity to be Listed of 5, the item will not be listed on TikTok Shop. Otherwise, the Item will be listed with Quantity according to the settings in Selling Policy.
  • Maximum Quantity to Be Listed – e.g., if you have 10 units in stock but want to keep 2 units back, set a Maximum Quantity to Be Listed of 8.


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Cash on delivery – enable this option if you want to allow the TikTok Shop customers to pay for an item at the time of delivery through cash, check, or electronic payment rather than using a credit card.


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  • Price – select an item price source:
  • Product Price – TikTok Shop item price will be equal to the corresponding Magento Product price.
  • Special Price – Special Price of the corresponding Magento Product will be sent to TikTok Shop.
  • Magento Attribute – the price value for TikTok Shop item will be taken from the selected Attribute. Magento Attribute must contain a numeric value.

Price Change – adjust Magento Price value that will be submitted to TikTok Shop.

You can add multiple price modifications for your products. For that, click Add Price Change, choose how you want to change the price, and enter the relevant value.

There are four available price modification options:

  • Absolute Value increase – increases TikTok Shop item price compared to the corresponding Magento Product price by the specified number of units.
  • Absolute Value decrease – reduces TikTok Shop item price compared to the corresponding Magento Product price by the specified number of units.
  • Percentage increase (%) – increases TikTok Shop item price compared to the corresponding Magento Product price by the specified percent value.
  • Percentage decrease (%) – reduces TikTok Shop item price compared to the corresponding Magento Product price by the specified percent value.

Also, you can opt for Magento Attribute as a source of product price modification.