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M2E TTS Version - 1.9.0


Move items to another M2E TikTok Shop Listing

This version makes managing your TikTok Shop listings even more flexible. You can now move items between M2E TikTok Shop Listings in just a few steps.

To move your products to another M2E TTS Listing:

1) Navigate to Listings > Items and select the relevant Listing.

2) Switch to Settings View Mode and choose the items you want to move.

3) Use the Move Item(s) to Another Listing action from the mass actions menu.

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4) In the pop-up window, select the destination Listing or create a new one.

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5) Confirm your selection and your items will be moved!

Resize TikTok Shop images

As you may know, TikTok Shop has strict image size requirements. After upgrading to version 1.9.0, you won’t need to adjust image sizes manually. M2E Connect will automatically resize product images to comply with TikTok Shop's media requirements before syncing them to the Channel.

You only need to ensure that the Resize Images option is enabled in your Description Policy (TikTok Shop > Configuration > Policies):

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Technical changelog

  • [Added] "Custom Value" option to Mode when configuring attributes for a TikTok Shop category [#6107]
  • [Added] Move items to another M2E TikTok Shop Listing [#5765]
  • [Added] Option for resizing TikTok Shop images to Description Policy [#6196]
  • [Improved] Prevent repetitive automatic actions after an error is returned [#5697]
  • [Improved] Remember product EAN for revise after it has been listed [#6153]