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M2E TTS Version - 1.4.0


Manage all Listing products efficiently

Starting from this version, viewing and managing all Products added to M2E TikTok Shop (TTS) Listings becomes easier. Simply navigate to the newly added “All Items” section in the Listings > Items tab.

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The section lets you apply the synchronization actions in bulk and use the filters to find the product you want to manage.

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If a TTS Product ID is available, clicking on it will take you to the listing on TikTok Shop. Clicking the arrow icon in the Manage column will take you to the M2E TTS Listing's products page, where you can manage its settings.

Effortlessly manage Listing products with errors

Version 1.4.0 includes another new tab in the M2E TTS Listing grid, giving you complete visibility over any errors that may occur during product management.

The “Items by Issue” tab lets you quickly identify which TTS products have encountered issues. The clear grid format fully explains the issue and the number of affected products.

This improvement ensures you have complete control over your TTS products so you can easily see which ones require your attention.

Technical changelog

  • [Added] “All Items” section to the TikTok Shop Listing grid [#5407]
  • [Added] “Items by Issue” section to the TikTok Shop Listing grid [#5813]
  • [Fixed] Error “Item (M2E\TikTokShop\Model\Product) with the same ID "0" already exists” [#5855]
  • [Fixed] Incorrect processing of manual Stop Action for multiple products [#5843]
  • [Fixed] Product is continuously revised after updating the Conditional Revise settings [#5833]
  • [Fixed] Product is relisted automatically after being stopped manually despite Synchronization Policy settings [#5778]
  • [Improved] Error message about order status that was not updated with the tracking number [#5694]
  • [Improved] Import of buyer addresses to orders [#5711]
  • [Improved] Processing of orders with On Hold/Unpaid statuses [#5364]
  • [Removed] Unused listing product statuses [#5720]