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M2E TikTok Shop Order Settings

Product is Listed By M2E TikTok Shop

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  • Create Order in Magento – choose “Yes” if you want the extension to create corresponding Magento orders for TTS orders placed for items listed using M2E Connect.
  • Magento Store View Source – select from which Store View product data should be taken when Magento order is created.

Product Is Listed By Any Other Software

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  • Create Order in Magento – choose “Yes” if you want the extension to create corresponding Magento orders for TTS orders placed for items listed on the Channel directly or using any other tool (not M2E Connect).
  • Magento Store View Source – select from which Store View product data should be taken when Magento order is created.

Choose what M2E Connect should do if the purchased item was not found in your Magento Catalog with the same SKU:

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  • Do Not Create Order – Magento orders will not be created for such items.
  • Create Product and Order – Magento product and order will be created based on TTS order. In this case, you can also specify the Product Tax Class for the newly created Magento Product.

Magento Order Number

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  • Source – select whether Magento order number should be generated based on your Magento settings or TikTok Shop order number.
  • General Prefix – specify the prefix you want to add to Magento order number.

Shipping information

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  • Import Ship by date to Magento order – decide whether ‘Ship By Date’ info must be imported to the Shipping & Handling information section of the Magento orders.
  • Override invalid Region/State required value - set to “Yes” to automatically replace the invalid Region/State value with an alternative one for the specified country.

Customer Settings

Specify how M2E Connect should manage Magento customers during Magento order creation:

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Customer – select a Customer for which Magento order will be created:

Billing Address Usage – select the appropriate option of how to handle the billing address for the imported Customer:

  • Always – the shipping address is always used as the billing address.
  • Buyer & Recipient have the same name – the shipping address is used as the billing address only when Buyer's name and Recipient's name are the same. Otherwise, billing address fields will be empty and this message will appear in the city field: "TikTok Shop does not supply complete billing Buyer information".

Order Creation Rules

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Reserve Quantity – choose for how long M2E Connect should reserve Magento Product quantity per TikTok Shop order until Magento order is created. You can select a reservation period from 1 day to 14 days.

Reserve QTY will be used when a Magento Order is created or released after the term of the QTY Reservation has expired. For example, Magento Product has a QTY of 10. The reservation period is 1 day.

1 item was bought on TikTok Shop. At the moment the TTS order is created, the Magento Product's QTY is 9.

Refund & Cancellation

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  • Cancel/Refund TTS Orders – set to “Yes” to cancel/refund TTS orders and automatically update their statuses on the Channel once the Magento Credit Memo is created.
  • Default Cancel Reason – select the default reason for TTS order cancellation.
  • Automatically create Credit Memo when Order is cancelled – set this option to Yes if you want M2E Connect to automatically create Credit Memos in Magento when orders are cancelled on TikTok Shop.

Order Tax Settings

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Select which tax settings should be applied to Magento orders.

Tax Source – choose where the tax settings for your Magento orders will be taken from:

  • TikTok Shop tax settings configured in your TikTok Shop Seller Center will be used.
  • Magento – tax settings configured in your Magento will be used.
  • TikTok Shop & Magento – TTS tax settings will be applied if specified. Otherwise, Magento tax settings will be used.
  • None – no taxes will be applied.