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  • Condition - allows you to specify which condition has the Item you are going to sell on eBay. Let your Buyers know exactly what condition has an Item they are going to purchase.

You can select the Item Condition from the list of predefined values or use a Magento Attribute. If you set a condition via Magento Attribute, make sure it contains an appropriate ID.

  • Seller Notes - if the Item is not new, you can provide additional details about the Item's Condition, such as whether it has defects, missing parts, scratches, or other wear and tear. You have up to 1000 characters.


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  • Main Image - the image your potential Buyers will see in the top left of your eBay Item and next to the Items' title in the Search results.
  • Super Size - allows you to provide larger images (up to 800w x 800h pixels - 800 pixels on the longest side).
  • Gallery Images - adds small thumbnails that appear under the Base Image. You can add up to 23 additional photos to each Item on eBay.
  • Change Images for Attributes (applied only to Configurable Products) – allows selecting Magento attribute by which the Multi-Variational Product images will be switching on eBay.
  • Variation Attribute Images (applied only to Configurable and Grouped Products) - allows adding up to 12 images for each Product variation.


Enhance your eBay listings by uploading product videos directly through M2E Pro.

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  • Product Video – select a Magento Attribute that contains a valid URL for your product video.


You can add a watermark to your images.

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  • Use Watermark – enable/disable the use of a watermark.
  • Upload – choose and upload a file with a watermark image.
  • Transparency – enable to regulate the transparency level of a watermark.
  • Opacity – set the relevant opacity level from 10% to 90% (where 10% is highly transparent, and 90% is not transparent).
  • Position – select a watermark’s position on the image.


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  • Title - allows specifying the title that should be displayed for the Product. You can use Magento Product Name for it or create a Custom Title.
  • Subtitle - allows you to add additional information that won't fit in the Title.
  • Cut Long Titles – automatically shortens Items' Titles to 80 characters and Subtitles to 55 characters according to eBay limitation.
  • Brand – select the Magento Attribute that contains the brand value for your Simple, Configurable, and Grouped Products. Or choose an "Unbranded" option in case your products do not have any brand data.

The Brand value is taken from Magento Parent Product and applied to the entire item including its variations.


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You can select to show Product Description or Product Short Description value as an eBay Item Description. However, if you would like to customize the descriptive information for the Items, you can use a Custom Value with the insertion of the Magento Attributes, Images tags, or HTML code you created.

If you have specified the Brand value in the Details section, three more options become available:

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  • MPN – an identifier of a particular part design used in a particular industry. Select the Magento Attribute that contains the MPN value for your Simple, Configurable, and Grouped Products. Or choose a "Does Not Apply" option in case your products do not have any MPN data.
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  • Use eBay Catalog Item Data  specify whether you want your product data to include prefilled Catalog item data from eBay. If the field is set to No, your product data sent to eBay will not interfere with eBay Catalog item data.
  • Use Image From eBay Catalog enable to include the stock photos from the eBay catalog in your Item description.

Upgrade Tools

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To make your Listing stand out from others, you can use eBay standard tools. Be aware that these features come with additional eBay fees.

  • Value Pack Bundle – combines Gallery, Subtitle, and Listing Designer to get a discount.
  • Bold Title – makes a listing title bold.
  • Gallery Type – adds listing pictures using different modes in search results.

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