How to Set Up Custom Title

It is important to specify accurate and clear title as buyers search for listings by their titles.

Custom Title different from Product Title

You can use Description Policy configurations to set the Custom Title using a Magento Product Name for it or create a Custom Title.

To create Custom Title choose Custom Value in the Title field.

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Insert appropriate value in the Title Value field. You can type the Title manually, use Magento Attribute, or both.

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Follow the same steps to set up Custom Subtitle.

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Enable the automatic shortening of the Title and Subtitle (80 and 55 characters respectively) according to eBay limitation.

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Custom Product Title from separate Magento Store View

You can also customize your product titles using different Magento Store Views.

For that:

  1. Create an M2E Pro Listing with a Store View different from Default one.
  1. Go to Magento Products page and select a product.
  1. Choose the needed Store View and make sure to untick Use Default Value Product option under Product Name attribute.
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  1. After that you can edit Product Name attribute.