Amazon Product Type

Amazon Product Types refer to specific categories of products on Amazon, such as "Books," "Electronics," or "Clothing." Properly categorizing your products can help customers find them more easily and improve your chances of making sales on Amazon.

In this guide, we will walk you through the steps for managing Amazon Product Types using M2E Pro.

Create Amazon Product Type

  1. Go to Amazon Integration > Configuration > Product Types.
  1. Click Add Product Type and select the Marketplace you want to use it for.
  1. Search or Browse for a relevant Product Type, select it, and click Confirm.
  1. Assign Product Specifics using Magento Attributes or enter them manually.
  1. Save the settings.
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Assign Amazon Product Type to the items

  1. Go to Amazon Integration > Listings > Items.
  1. Open the Listing and switch to the Settings View Mode.
  1. Select the Products you would like to update.
  1. In the Actions menu, select Assign Product Type.
  1. In the pop-up, click Assign next to the proper Product Type.
  1. Confirm your choice to save the settings.
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That’s it! After saving, M2E Pro will update your product according to the Sync Policy in use.

Refresh Amazon data

To ensure that you have the most up-to-date Product Type information in your M2E Pro, simply click the Refresh Amazon Data button. This will synchronize any changes made to Product Types on Amazon. Whether certain specifics have been added or removed, you will see the updated information after the data is refreshed.

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Product data validation

Amazon has different attributes associated with each product category, and it’s crucial to ensure that the data provided aligns with these attributes. This helps your product to be properly classified and displayed to customers. To ensure that your product data complies with Amazon’s guidelines, M2E Pro offers a data validation process. This process launches automatically whenever you assign or edit a new Product Type for a not listed product in a Listing. The mechanism confirms that Magento attributes mapped to the required Product Type fields contain values that meet Amazon’s expectations.

The process checks the format, data type, and allowed values for each attribute. For instance, if the product category requires a specific size attribute, you need to provide size values that fall within the accepted range. If there are any attribute validation errors, you’ll need to correct the product data discrepancies. This could entail updating or modifying attribute values or adding missing attributes.

Once the attribute validation is complete with any errors corrected, M2E Pro will submit the product data to Amazon. Before it is finally listed, it’s reviewed by Amazon’s system. If necessary, further adjustments may be required during this review phase.