
M2E Amazon Repricer is created to automatically optimize your Amazon prices. It analyzes your competing products and raises or lowers prices to beat the sellers on Amazon.

The service allows you to set repricing limits, create custom policies, check repricing analytics, and maximize Amazon Buy Box share on various Amazon marketplaces.

You can easily integrate your M2E Pro with the Repricer under Amazon Integration > Repricer > Settings. Simply click Connect and link your Amazon account to the service.

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Once you enable automatic repricing, M2E Pro will stop updating your products' prices to prevent double synchronization. For better visibility, repriced products will be marked with a special icon in the M2E Pro Listing grid.

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Additional Settings

Click on the connected Amazon account to specify how you want to update the Regular, Min, and Max Prices, or disable the repricing feature.

Whenever the Regular, Min, or Max Price value is changed in Magento, it will be automatically updated in the Repricer.

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Specify the source of the Regular Price update:

  • Manually - provide the Regular Price manually via the Repricing Service.
  • According to Selling Policy the value is based on the M2E Pro Selling Policy.
  • From Product Price - the value is equal to the Magento Product Price attribute.
  • From Special Price - the value is equal to the Magento Special Price attribute.
  • From Magento Attribute - specify the value using the Magento attribute.
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Select how the Min Price value should be updated:

  • Manually - provide the Min Price manually via the Repricing Service
  • Less than Regular Price by Value - Min Price is equal to the Regular Price decreased by the provided value.
  • Less than Regular Price by Percent - Min Price is equal to the Regular Price decreased by the provided percent.
  • From Magento Attribute - specify the value using the appropriate Magento attribute.
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Select how the Max Price value should be updated:

  • Manually - provide the Max Price manually via the Repricing Service.
  • More than Regular Price by Value Max Price is equal to the Regular Price increased by the provided value.
  • More than Regular Price by Percent - Max Price is equal to the Regular Price increased by the provided percent.
  • From Magento Attribute specify the value using the appropriate Magento attribute.
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Specify a condition for disabling the dynamic repricing for your Items:

  • Manually - repricing can be stopped only via the Repricing Service.
  • When Status is Disabled - repricing is stopped for Magento Products with Disabled status.
  • From Magento Attribute - repricing is stopped if the Yes value is specified for the selected Magento Attribute.
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