M2E Pro Version - 1.45.0


Common changes

Filter through All items by a specific Integration

Now, you can organize and manage your Channel inventory even more effectively than before.

We’ve added Filters to the All Items page, allowing you to search for products from all Channel listings based on specific criteria, such as marketplace, seller account, Policy, eBay/Walmart Category, Amazon Product Type, or Channel error.

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Find the newly added filters under eBay/Amazon/Walmart Integration > Listings > Items > All Items.

Amazon integration

Map Amazon and Magento shipping services

We understand how crucial it is for sellers to have a streamlined order fulfillment process. That’s why we are introducing the Shipping Mapping feature, which allows you to link your Amazon and Magento shipping services.

You can access your Shipping Mapping settings under the Configuration tab.

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There, you’ll see all available delivery types for Domestic and International services depending on the Amazon marketplace. For each delivery type, you should select the corresponding Magento service from a dropdown menu.

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The shipping service data will be imported to Magento orders according to your Shipping Mapping settings. If you’re managing orders and shipments via Magento, we highly recommend you to configure these settings to ensure that the correct shipping service is used for each order.

Set List Prices in Selling Policy

Starting June 30, 2023, Amazon makes it mandatory for sellers to provide List Price information for certain offers on the US marketplace.

Version 1.45.0 allows setting Amazon List Price for items listed under existing ASIN/ISBNs in Selling Policy. Navigate to Amazon Integration > Configuration > Policies. Then go to the Price section and specify the List Price Attribute (excluding tax).

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M2E Pro will submit the List Price information during the Revise action. The List Price will appear on the product page once Amazon verifies it.

Refresh Amazon data in the Product Types tab

Starting from this version, you no longer need to navigate to the Marketplaces tab to refresh Amazon data. Instead, you can now conveniently update it in the Product Types section.

To ensure that you have the most up-to-date information in your M2E Pro, simply click the Refresh Amazon Data button. This will synchronize any changes made to Product Types on Amazon, as well as other marketplace changes. Whether certain specifics have been added or removed, you will see the updated information after the data is refreshed.

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Technical changelog

  • Common: [Added] Filters to 'All Items' Listings page [#4284]
  • eBay: [Fixed] Unit of measure displayed incorrectly in Shipping Policy [#5027]
  • eBay: [Improved] Dashboard improvements [#5059]
  • eBay: [Improved] Order of tabs rearranged in Configuration menu block [#4576]
  • Amazon: [Added] Ability to map Amazon and Magento shipping services [#5003]
  • Amazon: [Added] List Price Attribute setting to Selling Policy [#5031]
  • Amazon: [Fixed] Exception occurs when trying to open M2E Pro Listing [#5056]
  • Amazon: [Fixed] Incorrect work of the 'Resend Shipping Information' action in the Orders grid [#5035]
  • Amazon: [Fixed] Notice: Undefined index in …/Model/Cron/Task/Amazon/Listing/Product/Channel/SynchronizeData/AfnQty/Responser.php on line 225 when trying to update QTY of AFN items [#5008]
  • Amazon: [Improved] Dashboard improvements [#5059]
  • Amazon: [Improved] Order of tabs rearranged in Configuration menu block [#4576]
  • Amazon: [Improved] Refresh Amazon data in the Product Types tab [#5028]
  • Amazon: [Removed] Marketplaces tab from the Configuration menu [#5028]
  • Amazon: [Removed] 'NEW' flag from the Repricer section in the Integration menu [#5061]