Selling Policies


To add a new Selling Policy, click Add Policy under Amazon Integration > Configuration > Policies and select the Selling option.

Specify a meaningful Policy Title, then complete the rest of the settings.

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Select the source for product quantity that will be displayed on Amazon:

  • Product QTY – quantity displayed on Amazon will be equal to product quantity in Magento.
  • Custom Value – quantity specified in the field will be submitted to Amazon.
  • Magento Attribute – quantity value will be taken from the selected Magento Attribute.

Quantity Percentage – quantity displayed on Amazon will be calculated as a percentage of Product Quantity or Magento Attribute value. For example, if QTY Percentage is 80% and Product QTY is 10, the item quantity available on Amazon will be 8.

Conditional Quantity – specify the maximum and minimum quantity values to be displayed on Amazon.

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  • Minimum Quantity to Be Listed – e.g. if you have 2 items in stock and the 'Min QTY to be Listed' is 5, the item will not be listed on Amazon.
  • Maximum Quantity to Be Listed – e.g. if you have 10 items in stock and want to keep 2 items back, set the 'Max QTY to Be Listed' to 8.


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Select the price source for your items:

  • Product Price – the price displayed on Amazon will be equal to the corresponding Magento Product Price.
  • Special Price – Special Price of the corresponding Magento Product will be submitted to Amazon.
  • Magento Attribute – price value will be taken from the selected Magento Attribute.

Rounding – round your Prices to convenient numbers like $9.99 or $10.00. You can select an amount at which you want to round the Price:

  • Nearest 0.09 – for example, $5.10 rounds down to $5.09; $5.95 rounds up to $5.99.
  • Nearest 0.99 – for example, $5.10 rounds down to $4.99; $5.95 rounds up to $5.99.
  • Nearest 1.00 – for example, $5.10 rounds down to $5.00; 5.95 rounds up to $6.00.
  • Nearest 10.00 – for example, $5.10 rounds up to $10.00; $14.99 rounds down to $10.00.

Price Change – adjust Magento Price value that will be submitted to Channel.

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There are four available price modification options:

  • Absolute Value increase – increases Amazon Item price compared to the corresponding Magento Product price by the specified number of units.
  • Absolute Value decrease – reduces Amazon Item price compared to the corresponding Magento Product price by the specified number of units.
  • Percentage increase (%) – increases Amazon Item price compared to the corresponding Magento Product price by the specified percent value.
  • Percentage decrease (%) – reduces Amazon Item price compared to the corresponding Magento Product price by the specified percent value.
  • Increase by Attribute Value – increases Amazon Item price compared to the corresponding Magento Product price by the value in the selected Magento Attribute.
  • Decrease by Attribute Value – reduces Amazon Item price compared to the corresponding Magento Product price by the value in the selected Magento Attribute.

Variation Price – select a price source for item variations:

  • Main Product – price value for item variations will be taken from Magento Parent Product.
  • Associated Products – price values for item variations will be taken from Magento Child Products.

List Price Attribute – provide the source for the product’s list price, excluding tax. List Price is the suggested retail price of a product as provided by a manufacturer, supplier, or seller. This is not the offering or cost price.

Minimum Advertised Price – select the source for the lowest price that a retailer can advertise a product for sale.

Sale Price - select the source for the discounted item price:

  • Product Price – sale price of an Amazon item will be equal to the corresponding Magento Product Price.
  • Special Price – sale price of an Amazon item will be equal to the Special Price of the corresponding Magento Product.
  • Magento Attribute – sale price of an Amazon item will be taken from the selected Magento Attribute value.
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If you select a Product Price or Magento Attribute option, you must specify the Start Date and End Date of the Sale Price. Either choose the relevant Magento Attributes or specify the Custom Values.

With Magento Special Price selected, the From and To date values will be taken from the corresponding Magento Product. If the From and To dates are not specified, the Sale Price will be set from this day until the end of the current year.

As soon as the Sale Price expires, the Product Price will be used.

Add VAT Percentage – enable the option to specify a VAT value that will be included in the item price on Amazon.

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Let’s say the initial item price is $123.00. The specified VAT rate is 19%. Thus, the item will be listed on the Channel with a price of $146.37.


In this section, you can quickly and conveniently make price adjustments for Repricer. Simply click Go to Settings to navigate to your Amazon account's Repricer settings.

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