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M2E Kaufland Listings

M2E Kaufland Listing is a group of Magento Products sold on a specific marketplace from a particular account under particular settings.

Put simply, M2E Kaufland Listing acts as a template and lets you use similar settings for many products. It gives greater flexibility and saves you time.

The Items by Listing page displays all your M2E Kaufland Listings. To create your first Listing, click on the corresponding button in the top right corner of the page and go through the listing creation process.

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Managing your Listing products

On the individual page of your M2E Kaufland Listing, you can add new Magento Products, edit your Listings Settings, and manage the products you have added to the Listing and listed on Kaufland.

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You can switch between three View Modes to get a comprehensive overview of your Listing products:

Kaufland View Mode – displays product details concerning Kaufland item information. With this Mode, you can filter down the list of products based on Kaufland item details, as well as perform actions to Kaufland items in bulk:

  • List Item(s) – lists selected Items on Kaufland. You can apply this action only to items with the Not Listed status.
  • Revise Item(s) – revises selected items. You can apply this action to items with the Listed status based on the settings in the Synchronization Policy.
  • Relist Item(s) – relists selected items. You can apply this action to items with the Stopped status.
  • Stop Item(s) – stops selected items. These items stay in the M2E Kaufland Listing but are no longer listed on Kaufland. If this action has been submitted successfully, the item acquires the Stopped status.
  • Stop on Kaufland / Remove from Listing – stops the selected items on Kaufland and removes them from the M2E Kaufland Listing.

Settings View Mode – displays information about the item’s settings, such as Listing Policies, Kaufland Categories, etc. With this Mode, you can find products according to the settings they use and edit existing settings for items in bulk.

Magento View Mode – displays Product information regarding Magento Catalog. Using this Mode, you can find Products based on Magento Product information, such as Magento QTY, Stock Status, etc.

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