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Create M2E Kaufland Listing

To create an M2E Kaufland Listing, go to Kaufland > Listings > Items and click Add Listing.

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Listing creation takes only two steps.

Step 1: General Settings


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Enter a descriptive and meaningful title for your M2E Kaufland Listing.

Kaufland Settings

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If you’ve added multiple Kaufland accounts, choose the one you’re going to use for this Listing.


Select the Kaufland storefront where you want to sell your Listing Products. The available storefronts are determined by the connected Kaufland account.

Magento Settings

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Magento Store View

Choose the Magento Store View you want to use for this M2E Kaufland Listing. Please remember that Attribute values from the selected Store View will be used in the Listing.

Step 2: Policies

In the second step, you need to specify Policies for the M2E Kaufland Listings.

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Provide quantity settings, a competitive price for your items, as well as a detailed item description to attract more buyers. For that, select Selling and Description Policies for the Listing. Use Shipping Policy to specify shipping settings for your orders.

You can set the preferences for synchronizing your items with Magento Catalog data. The rules can be defined in the Synchronization Policy.

After you set all the policies, specify the condition that best describes the current state of your product. By providing accurate information about the product condition, you can improve the visibility of your listings, ensure fair pricing, and increase customer satisfaction.

Once done, click Save.

Once your M2E Kaufland Listing is created, you need to add your Magento products to it.