Get Started with Walmart

In this tutorial, you will learn how to start selling your Magento Products on Walmart via M2E Pro. You will go through the preliminary set-up reactions and configuration of Walmart integration.

Preliminary actions

To authorize M2E Pro on US Walmart Marketplace, you need to get the API credentials and set the appropriate permissions:

1. Log in to the Walmart Developer Portal with your Walmart Seller credentials.

2. Click Add New Key For A Solution Provider in the API Keys section.

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3. Select M2E in the dropdown and click Next.

4. Specify the permissions you want to grant M2E Pro access to and click Submit.

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Once done, you'll need to copy and paste the generated Client ID and Client Secret on Step 2 of the M2E Pro wizard. This way the extension will be granted access to specified Walmart account data.

That's it, now you may start configuring Walmart integration.

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Step 1. Module registration

Provide your contact details. These details will be associated with your M2E Pro License Key. Once you complete the step, please click Continue.

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Step 2. Account onboarding

Select the US or Canada Marketplace to sync your Module with the marketplace data. Then enter the API credentials relevant to the selected marketplace. Please read more details here.

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Once the Account is configured, click Continue.

Step 3. General Settings

Provide the SKU and Product ID settings, then press Continue.

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Step 4. First Listing Creation

Congratulations! The basic configuration is completed:

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Now you can move forward – prepare your products to be listed on Walmart.

Press Create First Listing to proceed.

Final configurations

To be listed on Walmart, Magento Products must be added to M2E Pro Listing first. Using M2E Pro Listing you may organize your products into different groups by certain parameters, e.g. product type, brand, promotion event, etc.

The product group approach allows you to share the same description, selling, and synchronization settings across all products inside the Listing.

To complete the configuration of Walmart integration, you need to:

  • assign M2E Pro Policies to this Listing, i.e. description, selling, and synchronization settings;