Invoices & Shipments

Under the Invoices & Shipments tab (Amazon > Configuration > Accounts > edit Account), you can set M2E Pro to automatically create invoices and shipments in your Magento. To do that, keep Magento Invoice/Shipment Creation options enabled:

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Invoice Uploading to Amazon

In case you are managing orders across Amazon European Marketplaces (UK, DE, IT, FR, ES, NL, BE, PL, SE), M2E Pro allows you to set up automatic invoice uploading.

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Using the Invoice Uploading to Amazon feature, you will be able to manage invoices, upload them directly to Amazon, create corresponding invoices in Magento, etc.

Let’s take a closer look at the options to help you set up automatic invoicing for Amazon European accounts via M2E Pro:

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  • Disabled - M2E Pro will not automatically upload invoices to Amazon.
  • Upload Magento Invoices - Once an Invoice is created for Magento order, it will be automatically uploaded for the corresponding order on Amazon.
  • Use VAT Calculation Service - Amazon will calculate the VAT amount based on your VAT calculation settings (in case you have VAT Calculation Service enabled in your Seller Central Account).

VAT Invoice Creation

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  • I want Amazon to generate VAT Invoices - Amazon will generate VAT invoices directly in your Seller Central.
  • M2E Pro will generate and upload invoices - M2E Pro will generate invoices on the basis of VAT calculations taken from the Channel. Once M2E Pro receives the VAT-related data, it will automatically upload the generated invoices to Amazon.

Important! Before you select the VAT Invoice Creation option, go to Stores > Configuration > General > General > Store Information first. Make sure that you have filled in the following fields:

  • Store Name
  • Country
  • ZIP/Postal Code
  • City
  • Street Address

This information is vital for the correct generation of VAT Invoices.

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Also, be sure to provide Store information per Magento Store View you use for Magento Order creation. You can review your settings under Amazon > Configuration > Accounts > Account Configuration > Orders:

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Find out extra information on how to manage VAT Invoices for Amazon European accounts here.

Magento Invoice Creation

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Enable this option to automatically create Magento Invoices when order status is Unshipped/Partially Shipped.

Magento Shipment Creation

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  • Magento Shipment Creation - enable this option to automatically create a shipment for the Magento order when the associated order on Channel is shipped.
  • Magento Shipment Creation for FBA Orders - enable this option to automatically create a shipment for the Magento order when the associated Amazon FBA order is shipped.