M2E Pro Version - 1.22.1


eBay Integration

Actualize Final Fee value in eBay orders

M2E Pro imports an approximate final value fee as part of eBay order information. Starting from this version, you can get precise final fee values for your orders to monitor how much exactly is charged for each sale.

For that, navigate to the individual order page (eBay Integration > Sales > Orders). Then click Actualize button in the Payment Information section:

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After that, M2E Pro will display the precise final fee value instead of the approximate one in the order.

Amazon Integration

Process buyer-requested order cancellations more effectively

Amazon has announced changes in the way sellers will handle buyer-initiated order cancellations for unshipped seller-fulfilled orders.

To ensure that you are aware of the order cancellation requested by the buyer, M2E Pro will display this information in the Status column of the orders grid (Amazon Integration > Sales > Orders):

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On the Order Details page, you will see a corresponding note along with the cancellation reason (if it was specified by the buyer):

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You may cancel such orders by creating a Credit Memo. M2E Pro will submit the information from the Credit Memo to Amazon. The order status will be updated accordingly, with the cancellation reason indicated as Buyer Canceled.

Technical changelog

  • Common: [Fixed] End Date expiration for Special Price was not detected and Product Price value was not submitted during the Revise action [#3435]
  • Common: [Fixed] QTY is not updated for a Grouped Product when changes are made and saved in a Simple Product [#3634]
  • Common: [Improved] Compatibility improvements with Magento v2.4.4 on PHP 7.4 [#3512]
  • Common: [Improved] Some UI text updates [#3511]
  • Common: [Removed] Compatibility with PHP versions lower than 7.1 [#3558]
  • eBay: [Added] Ability to actualize Final Fee value in eBay orders [#2849]
  • eBay: [Added] Sold QTY column in the M2E Pro Listing grid [#3264]
  • eBay: [Fixed] Product image is submitted with a black background after adding a watermark [#3564]
  • eBay: [Fixed] Unable to save the watermark file in the Description Policy via the Save And Close option [#3527]
  • Amazon: [Fixed] Unable to update the shipping status on Amazon without carrier and tracking number data [#3595]
  • Amazon: [Fixed] Undefined offset: 0 in Magento/Product/Rule/Condition/Product.php on line 101 when trying to use the Advanced Filter at the step of adding Magento Products to Listing [#3537]
  • Amazon: [Improved] Changes in the buyer-initiated order cancelation process [#3472]
  • Walmart: [Fixed] Error “Item (Ess\M2ePro\Model\Walmart\Listing\Product\Action\Processing) with the same ID already exists”. [#1201]
  • Walmart: [Fixed] Issues with Magento Product creation when the Product Not Found option is set to Create Product and Order [#3253]
  • Walmart: [Fixed] Unable to save Manual Variational Attributes/Options matches [#2931]