M2E Pro Version - 1.11.0


eBay Integration

Orders Cancel/Refund feature [Beta]

In this version, M2E Pro allows more opportunities for order management. Sellers can cancel and issue refunds for orders they get from eBay US, CA, UK, DE, and AU.

To take advantage of the new feature, enable the Cancel/Refund eBay orders option under eBay Integration > Configuration > Accounts > Orders > Refund & Cancellation. Find more details here.

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New eBay order statuses

In version 1.11.0, we updated the names of eBay order statuses. You can check the current order status in the corresponding column of the M2E Pro order grid (eBay Integration > Sales > Orders).

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Still, for your convenience, we left detailed information about each order status available in eBay Order Details.

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Configure Package details for Flat Rate shipping

Previously, you could indicate Package details only when you used the Calculated shipping type. Now, M2E Pro allows specifying Package Type, Dimensions, and Weight for all shipping types except for Freight and Local pickup options.

This means you can provide the required Package details in the eBay Shipping Policy whenever you use Flat or Calculated shipping types.

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Click & Collect option is removed from eBay Shipping Policy

As you may know, the Click & Collect option is set at the account level on eBay. Since eBay evaluates your products' eligibility for Click & Collect programme, we removed the opportunity to configure Click & Collect in eBay Shipping Policy.

Amazon Integration

Amazon Japan marketplace is available [Beta]

With this release, one more marketplace is added — Amazon Japan (JP). For now, you can list products only under existing ASINs on this marketplace. To enable Amazon Japan (JP) in M2E Pro or update the marketplace data, go to Amazon Integration > Configuration > Marketplaces.

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Walmart Integration

Enable or disable automatic orders cancellation and refund

After the upgrade, you can choose if M2E Pro should cancel and refund Walmart orders after you create the Credit Memo for the associated Magento orders.

You can enable or disable Cancel or Refund if Credit Memo is Created option under Walmart Integration> Configuration > Accounts > Orders > Refund & Cancellation. Find more details here.

Technical Changelog

  • Common: [Fixed] ‘Page not found’ is displayed after clicking on the Documentation link [M2-1032]
  • Common: [Fixed] Errors occur after skipping MI (former MSI) notification message [M2-1038]
  • Common: [Fixed] The upgrade is not possible if the current M2E Pro version is 1.7.1 [M2-1024]
  • Common: [Fixed] License Page link redirects to Dashboard [M2-1010]
  • Common: [Fixed] Additional confirmation pop-up is displayed after any Action was applied to the Product [M2-1065]
  • Common: [Improved] Ability to skip MI (former MSI) notification message [M2-1022]
  • Common: [Improved] Create Product and Order feature [M2-660]
  • Common: [Improved] Speed up Magento pages loading [M2-977]
  • eBay: [Added] Ability to Cancel/Refund eBay orders [M2-573]
  • eBay: [Fixed] Additional confirmation pop-up is displayed after Stop Action was applied to the Product [M2-1059]
  • eBay: [Fixed] 'Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in Model/Ebay/Template/Shipping.php' occurs on line 494 in case Shipping Rate Tables were not downloaded [M2-990]
  • eBay: [Improved] Move Australia marketplace from ‘Australia Region’ to ‘Asia / Pacific’ [M2-1018]
  • eBay: [Improved] Ability to set Calculated Data for all shipping types except Local pickup and Freight [M2-810]
  • eBay: [Improved] Update names for eBay order statuses [M2-573]
  • eBay: [Removed] Click and Collect option from eBay Shipping Policy [M2-810]
  • Amazon: [Added] Amazon Japan marketplace (ASIN assignment only) [M2-984]
  • Amazon: [Fixed] 'Page Not Found' is displayed after clicking on the Developers Area link [M2-1037]
  • Amazon: [Fixed] 'Page Not Found' is displayed after clicking on the hint on the Health Status page [M2-1036]
  • Amazon: [Fixed] Magento Invoice Creation/Magento Shipment Creation settings are set to Disabled after upgrade to 1.10.0 [M2-1054]
  • Amazon: [Improved] Move Australia marketplace from 'Australia Region' to 'Asia / Pacific' [M2-1018]
  • Walmart: [Added] Cancel or Refund if Credit Memo is Created option [M2-835]
  • Walmart: [Fixed] ‘Page Not Found’ is displayed after clicking on the Developers Area link [M2-1037]
  • Walmart: [Fixed] ‘Page Not Found’ is displayed after clicking on the hint on the Health Status page [M2-1036]
  • Walmart: [Fixed] Additional confirmation pop-up is displayed after Duplicate Action was applied to the Product [M2-1045]