M2E Pro Version - 1.55.0


eBay Integration

Manage kTypes on eBay Italy using the TecDoc database

eBay has recently introduced integration with TecAlliance, which expands the variety of kTypes available in eBay catalog and helps boost the chances of selling your compatible parts.

If you’ve opted into the integration with TecAlliance service, M2E Pro allows you to use kTypes from the TecDoc database on eBay Italy marketplace. To set it up, navigate to eBay Integration > Configuration > Settings > Parts Compatibility > Parts Compatibility [kTypes IT] (Using TecDoc database) section.

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You’ll need to choose a Magento Attribute that stores your valid MPN values, provide a VAT ID, and save the settings.

Amazon Integration

Disable the Magento Shipment creation for FBA orders

Previously, if the Magento Shipment Creation option was enabled, shipments were automatically created for all orders, including those fulfilled by Amazon. In some cases, this led to incorrect Magento inventory management, as FBA orders are handled by Amazon and don’t require Shipment creation in Magento.

To avoid this issue, you can disable the Magento Shipment creation, especially if you do not manage stock for FBA orders. For that, navigate to Amazon Integration > Configuration > Accounts > Invoices & Shipments and disable the corresponding option:

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Technical changelog

  • Common: [Improved] At least one condition is required to be selected when adding Advanced Stop and Revise Conditions [#3050]
  • eBay: [Improved] Enhanced kTypes management for Italy marketplace using the TecDoc database [#5257]
  • Amazon: [Added] Ability to disable the Magento Shipment creation for FBA orders [#5301]
  • Amazon: [Fixed] Incorrect quantity of multiple refunded products in orders [#5309]
  • Amazon: [Improved] Amazon menu blocks reorganized [#5292]
  • Amazon: [Improved] Order refund with Magento Adjustment Fee considered [#4453]