M2E Pro Version - 1.66.0


Common changes

Set Magento order creation start date

This version provides greater control over order management and allows you to define the start date for creating eBay, Amazon, and Walmart orders in Magento. By setting a specific start date, you can ensure that all orders placed between connecting the account and enabling order creation are imported into Magento.

When enabling the option to create Magento orders in your order settings (Configuration > Accounts > Orders), you can set the start date. After confirming and saving your settings, M2E Pro will create Channels orders in Magento from the selected date.

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Technical changelog

  • Common: [Added] Magento Product Type filter to All Items grid [#5963]
  • Common: [Added] Set Magento order creation start date [#6121]
  • eBay: [Improved] Item’s online SKU is displayed in the Channel SKU column [#5845]
  • eBay: [Improved] Managing promotions in M2E Pro [#6008]
  • eBay: [Improved] Synchronize Channel promotion updates [#5982]
  • Amazon: [Fixed] Frequent attempts to upload an invoice to Channel [#6221]
  • Amazon: [Fixed] Incorrect product data validation when adding new products to M2E Pro Listing [#5828]
  • Amazon: [Improved] Logic of using Magento order number as Amazon seller ID [#5206]