M2E Pro Version - 1.65.0


eBay Integration

Upload product videos

Starting from version 1.65.0, you can enhance your eBay listings by uploading product videos directly through M2E Pro. This will provide a more dynamic and engaging shopping experience for your customers.

To upload a video to your eBay listing, find the Product Video option in your Description Policy. Then, select a Magento Attribute that contains a valid URL for your product video.

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Set variation options for Bundle Products

This version enhances how you manage Bundle Products on eBay and allows you to specify custom names for the variation options.

To ensure that the variation names are meaningful and optimized for your eBay listings, navigate to eBay > Configuration > Settings > Main. You will find a list of all default Bundle Product option names from the Magento catalog. For each, you can select a relevant Magento Attribute to assign custom variation names.

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Once you save the changes, the extension will automatically update the variation options’ names of your products on eBay.

Technical changelog

  • Common: [Fixed] Magento Order was not created. Reason: Registry key "m2epro_extension_use_mutable_config" already exists [#6119]
  • eBay: [Added] Upload product videos [#5716]
  • eBay: [Added] Variation option mapping for Bundle Products [#5935]
  • eBay: [Fixed] Incorrect exception handling of orders [#6117]
  • Amazon: [Improved] Import Buyer Company Name to Business orders [#6087]
  • Amazon: [Improved] Import Company Name to Channel orders [#6068]
  • Amazon: [Improved] Upload invoices to Poland and Sweden marketplaces [#6044]
  • Amazon: [Removed] Log "Item QTY was changed from "empty" to 0” [#5810]