M2E Pro Version - 1.44.2
Amazon integration
Track delivery preferences in Amazon and Magento orders
Buyers often have unique delivery preferences, such as specific delivery times, locations, or other special instructions. Starting from this version, M2E Pro imports delivery instructions provided by buyers to Amazon and Magento orders.
With this information, you can ensure that the items are delivered according to the buyers' preferences, increasing customer satisfaction and potentially leading to positive reviews.
You can find imported delivery preferences in:
- Custom Notes section of Amazon order
- M2E Pro Notes section of Magento order
Technical changelog
- Common: [Fixed] Incorrect QTY calculation of Bundle Products if default QTY is 0 [#5025]
- Amazon: [Added] Import of Delivery Preferences to Amazon and Magento orders [#4910]
- eBay: [Removed] Deprecated COD (Cash on Delivery) cost from eBay integration [#4980]