M2E Pro Version - 1.23.0


Common changes

Manage shipping info imported to Magento orders

By default, M2E Pro imports the Ship By Date info to your Channel orders. This way you know the latest day that the orders must be shipped and can prioritize them effectively.

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M2E Pro version 1.23.0 allows greater flexibility in the management of this shipping information. Right after the upgrade, you'll be able to decide whether Ship By Date must be displayed in the Magento orders.

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In your Account settings, select No for Import Ship by date to Magento order so this info is no more reflected in the Shipping & Handling Information section.

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eBay Integration

The eBay Payment policy removal

As planned, eBay has launched the Managed Payments option for its sellers across all marketplaces, and now it’s enabled by default.

To keep M2E Pro in line with this Channel update, we removed the Payment policy for eBay Integration.

This means that whenever you sell on eBay, it will handle all the transactions and you’ll receive payment directly to your bank account.

Technical changelog

  • Common: [Added] Possibility to disable import of Ship by date to Magento orders [#3504]
  • Common: [Added] M2E Pro compatibility with PHP 8.1 and Magento 2.4.4 on PHP 8.1 [#3637]
  • eBay: [Removed] The Payment policy [#3462]
  • Amazon: [Fixed] The time is offset according to the Magento time zone when the Restock Date is set to a Custom Value [#3533]