M2E Pro Version - 1.20.0


Amazon Integration

Import of Tax Registration Numbers to Magento Orders

In some countries, Amazon uses Tax Registration Numbers as identifiers for taxable B2B and B2C customers.

Since release 1.20.0, M2E Pro will import Tax Registration Numbers and display them in the Shipping & Handling Information section of Amazon Order Details.

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Under Amazon Integration> Configuration > Accounts > Orders > Order Tax Settings you can opt for importing Tax Registration Numbers to Magento Orders.

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Once enabled, find the Tax Registration Number displayed as VAT in the Shipping Address of your Magento Order.

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Technical changelog

  • Common: [Improved] Compatibility with external shipping tools [#3118]
  • Common [Improved] Optimize M2E Pro upgrade from v.6.13.2 to v.6.14.0 (M1) and from v.1.13.2 to v.1.14.0 (M2) [#3367]
  • eBay [Fixed] Incorrect price calculation for a Simple Product with Custom Options in particular cases [#3244]
  • eBay: [Improved] Some UI texts changes [#3325]
  • Amazon [Added] Import Tax Registration Numbers for Amazon Business orders [#3278]
  • Amazon: [Improved] Some UI texts changes [#3325]