M2E Pro Version - 1.14.1


Amazon Integration

IOSS number displayed in Amazon and Magento Orders

According to the recently updated EU VAT collection rules, sellers shipping to the EU from non-EU countries must provide an IOSS number where Amazon has collected VAT on the sale. Following these changes, M2E Pro will now import the IOSS number and display it in a separate field under the Shipping & Handling Information section on the Order Details page:

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The IOSS number will be displayed in a corresponding Magento order as well. Find it under the Shipping & Handling Information section on the Order View page:

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Technical Changelog

  • Common [Fixed] Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'cpev.entity_id' error appears when upgrading M2E Pro from v1.13.0 to v1.13.1 on Magento Enterprise Edition v2.4.2 [M2-1350]
  • Common [Fixed] Migration Wizard does not appear when running test migration to Magento 2 [M2-1352]
  • Common [Improved] Shipping Service displayed at the beginning of the Shipping & Handling Information section on the Magento Order View page [M2-1338]
  • eBay [Fixed] Magento Order was not created. Reason: Notice: Undefined index: delivery_date | in .../Model/Ebay/Order/ProxyObject.php on line 356 [M2-1348]
  • eBay [Fixed] Ship by Date displayed incorrectly in the Orders grid [M2-1356]
  • Amazon [Added] Import of IOSS number to Amazon and Magento Orders [M2-1341]