M2E Pro Version - 1.1.1
Common Changes
Some errors that happens during setup:di:compile and setup:di:compile-multi-tenant
Current version contains some major fixes of the issues which used to arise during setup:di:compile and setup:di:compile-multi-tenant processes in 1.1.0 version.
So now no related issues are observed.
Much stability of Installation/Upgrade (module sets maintenance and doesn't break setup:upgrade process)
The new M2E Pro version has a fix which makes the Installation/Upgrade processes much more stable. It sets a maintenance mode for the case when any of the upgrades/installations are executed which prevents any possible issues.
Error 'Redefinition of parameter $helperFactory in Ess/M2ePro/Model/Setup/Database/Modifier/AbstractModifier.php on line 29'
In some cases when you try to upgrade your M2E Pro 1.1.0 version and the PHP version 7.x is used in your system, the error 'Redefinition of parameter $helperFactory in Ess/M2ePro/Model/Setup/Database/Modifier/AbstractModifier.php on line 29' might arise.
This problem is fixed and no related issues are observed in the version 1.1.1.