M2E Pro Version - 1.58.2


eBay Integration

Approve buyer cancellation requests automatically

Starting from this version, when a buyer initiates a cancellation request of an eBay order, you won’t have to confirm it manually each time. M2E Pro automates the approval process for buyer cancellation requests.

Simply navigate to eBay Integration > Configuration > Accounts > Orders and enable the corresponding option in the Refund & Cancellation section. This will activate automatic processing for all order cancellations requested by buyers.

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Amazon Integration

Create Credit Memos for buyer cancellation requests automatically

Previously, sellers had to manually create a Credit Memo in Magento after receiving a cancellation request from the buyer. In this version, we’ve automated this process and made it easier to handle order cancellations on Amazon.

Simply navigate to Amazon Integration > Configuration > Accounts > Orders and enable the corresponding option in the Refund & Cancellation section. This will activate the automatic creation of Credit Memos for orders where the buyer has requested cancellation.

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Technical changelog

  • Common: [Fixed] Advanced Filter settings are displayed incorrectly in M2E Pro Listings [#5467]
  • eBay: [Added] Notification about the absence of Shipping Rate Tables for the eBay account [#4996]
  • eBay: [Fixed] Incorrect Final Fee value in the order when the “Actualize Final Fee Automatically” option is enabled [#5506]
  • eBay: [Fixed] Unable to save an item specific with a value longer than 65 characters allowed [#5502]
  • eBay: [Improved] Ability to approve buyer's order cancellation request automatically [#5327]
  • eBay: [Improved] “Other” Revise condition view in Synchronization Policy [#5421]
  • Amazon: [Fixed] M2E Pro Listing grid is not loading due to the error “Item with the same ID already exists" [#5488]
  • Amazon: [Improved] Ability to create Credit Memo automatically when buyer requests order cancellation [#5327]
  • Amazon: [Improved] AFN product quantity view in M2E Pro Listings [#5422]
  • Amazon: [Improved] “Details” Revise condition view in Synchronization Policy [#5421]