M2E Pro Version - 1.54.2


Walmart Integration

Set WFS prefixes for Magento order numbers

Using M2E Pro, you can separate orders imported from Walmart and Magento orders by adding a prefix to the Magento order number.

Starting from this version, you can also set a unique prefix for Walmart Fulfillment Service (WFS) orders created in your Magento. For that, navigate to your order settings (Walmart Integration > Configuration > Accounts > Orders) and enter the prefix in the WFS field of the Magento Order Number section.

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Once you save the changes, M2E Pro will add the specified prefix to all corresponding Magento order numbers.

Technical changelog

  • eBay: [Fixed] 404 error when clicking "Back" in eBay Listing > Category Configuration tab [#5291]
  • Amazon: [Added] Ability to create and edit a Product Type Title [#5227]
  • Amazon: [Fixed] All Shipping Policies are available for assigning after the new Policy was not created [#5255]
  • Walmart: [Improved] Ability to set WFS prefixes for Magento order numbers [#5248]