M2E Pro Version - 1.54.1


Technical changelog

  • Common: [Fixed] Error “Undefined array key 'messages' in Ess/M2ePro/Model/Amazon/Connector/Product/Responser.php” [#5290]
  • Common: [Fixed] Order is refunded on the Channel when the Magento Order creation and the corresponding settings are disabled [#5270]
  • eBay: [Fixed] Incorrect work of Partial Shipping [#4465]
  • eBay: [Fixed] Item is relisted too fast prior to the order import from the Channel [#5261]
  • Amazon: [Fixed] Item price is not updated once the repricing is disabled in M2E Amazon Repricer [#5198]
  • Amazon: [Fixed] Product Type attributes of the Variational Child Products are taken from the Parent Product [#4811]