
The Buyers Feedback can be imported automatically if the import option is enabled in eBay Integration > Configurations > Accounts > Feedback tab.

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Once you enable it, the Feedbacks will be imported automatically during the next synchronization and you will be able to find their list by clicking on the Feedback link in the Accounts grid.

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The list of the Feedback contains the main information about the Transaction ID along with the eBay item ID it is related to.

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You can always send a response to your Buyer manually by pressing a Send Response button.

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To send the response, you should select its Type. There are several options to select from:

  • Custom - allows providing the value manually;
  • Predefined Template - allows selected any of the previously created Templates.

However, sending the response to feedback manually might be very time-consuming. That is why you can enable the Auto-Response option in your Account configurations.

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There are several options to select from:

  • Cycle Mode - allows sending the response templates one by one in a circle
  • Random Mode - automatically sends randomly selected response template.
  • Disabled - does not send any of the responses automatically.

Once the Mode is selected, you can either select for which types of the Feedbacks the response should be sent - All or just Positive ones.

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In the grid below, you can add/edit the response templates by clicking on the Add Template button.

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